In India, wearing a helmet while driving a two-wheeler is mandatory for the safety of the driver and the pillion rider. Failure to wear a helmet or wearing a helmet that is not fastened or not of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) standards is a traffic violation that can attract penalties and fines.
Here are some rules related to wearing helmets while driving in India:
- All two-wheeler drivers and pillion riders must wear helmets that meet the BIS standards.
- The helmet must be fastened securely, and the chin strap must be properly adjusted.
- If a driver is caught driving without a helmet or with a helmet that is not fastened or not of BIS standards, they may be fined.
- The exact amount of fine may vary depending on the state or city, but it can range from Rs. 500 to Rs. 1000.
- In some cases, the license of the driver may also be suspended.
- Sikh drivers are exempt from wearing helmets, but they must wear a turban that meets the BIS standards.